dr. Adelia Bayu Isfandiari, Sp.M merupakan dokter spesialis mata yang memiliki keahlian spesifik dalam memberikan pemeriksaan, perawatan, serta diagnosis yang berhubungan dengan penyakit mata dan gangguan penglihatan.
The Importance of Maintaining Eye Health from an Early Age!
Eyes are the window of life, as one of the most important members of the body, we must maintain the health of our eyes from an early age. As the sense of sight, the eye functions to perceive color, shape, size of an obj...
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The Importance of Maintaining Eye Health from an Early Age!
The Importance of Maintaining Eye Health from an Early Age! Eyes are the window of life, as one of the most important members of the body, we must maintain the health of our eyes from an early age. As the sense of sight, the eye functions to perceive color, shape, size of an obj...