dr. Adi Rahmawan, Sp.OG

dr. Adi Rahmawan, Sp.OG

 Obstetrics and gynaecology

 Hermina Pandanaran

dr. Adi Rahmawan, Sp.OG merupakan dokter spesialis kebidanan dan kandungan RS Hermina Pandanaran yang mendalami kesehatan sistem reproduksi wanita. Selain itu, dokter yang sering juga disebut sebagai dokter spesialis obstetri dan ginekologi (obgyn) yang utamanya berperan dalam membantu memeriksa ibu hamil, membantu persalinan, dan perawatan setelah persalinan. Meski sebenarnya beragam kondisi dan penyakit yang memengaruhi sistem reproduksi wanita juga dapat ditangani oleh dokter kandungan.
Keloid Prevention After Sectio Caesarea

Sectio Caesarea surgery is done if a mother is not able to give birth normally. Like any other surgical procedure, a cesarean section will leave a suture scar. Surgical scars can end up as scars that line up with the surgical wound, into small scars, large scars or keloids. A keloid is an overgr...

Tips for Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage

Pregnancy is the most awaited thing for most married couples. Unfortunately, pregnancy can also be a traumatic thing if Sahabat Hermina has had a miscarriage. Planning to get pregnant again after a miscarriage is not easy. There will be many questions raging, for example, when is the right time ...

Is Prolonged Menstruation Dangerous in Women?

Menstruation is a monthly cycle experienced by a woman. The monthly cycle that occurs is the process of the female reproductive organs in preparing for pregnancy. If the ruptured egg follicle is not fertilized by sperm or there is no attachment to the product of manufacture, then the lining of t...

Introduction to VBAC, Normal Childbirth Procedure After SC

If you previously gave birth by saecar surgery and then got pregnant again, you might be wondering, can you give birth normally after cesarean section? For some women, the experience of giving birth by SC may leave a lasting trauma. The pain suffered after surgery and the recovery period is m...

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