dr. Affri Dian Adiyatna, Sp.A

dr. Affri Dian Adiyatna, Sp.A


 Hermina Banyumanik

Beware Singapore Flu

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD) and the Search for a Vaccine Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD), commonly known in some regions as "Singapore Flu", is a viral infection that primarily affects young children, although adults can also contract the disease. The condition is characterized ...

How to Prepare an ADHD Child for School

Hi, Hermina's friend Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is the medical term for a mental disorder in the form of impulsive and hyperactive behavior. The cause of ADHD in children is that genetic factors are known to play an important role in triggering this mental disorder. Apart...

The Role of Fathers in Child Growth and Development

Hi Friends, Hermina Banyumanik What is the role of fathers in children's growth and development? Growth and development in children and adolescents is based on 3 needs that must be met, namely nurturing, fulfillment of nutrition, health, immunization and protection from injury, apart from that...

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