dr. Afriliana Mulyani, Sp.A merupakan dokter spesialis anak yang memiliki kompetensi untuk mengevaluasi tumbuh kembang anak. Tak hanya itu, dokter sub spesialis ini juga dapat menentukan penanganan yang tepat agar anak dapat tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai usianya. Dokter anak ahli tumbuh kembang pediatri sosial berperan dalam mengevaluasi atau memonitor serta mendiagnosis dan menangani berbagai masalah pada tumbuh kembang anak, termasuk bayi dan remaja.
Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy to Build Collective Health
Vaccine hesitancy poses a serious challenge in the efforts to prevent diseases. Triggers for this hesitancy include inaccurate information or a lack of understanding about the safety and benefits of vaccination. This article aims to provide a more holistic perspective by involving the healthcare...
Myths and Facts About Breastfeeding: A Guide for Expecting Mothers and Young Families
Breast milk is the best food for newborns. However, various myths surrounding breastfeeding often cause confusion. Here are some common myths and facts about breastfeeding to help expecting mothers and young families better understand the benefits and proper practices of breastfeeding. ...
Speech delay
Dear Father and Mother, one of the most common developmental disorders is speech delay. Speech delay is a condition of the child who has not been able to do something and pronounce a number of vocabulary based on the age of the child. Speech delay needs to be a serious concern because it is rela...