dr. Ageng Budiananti, Sp.BA, M.Ked.Klin

dr. Ageng Budiananti, Sp.BA, M.Ked.Klin

 Surgery - (Pediatric Surgery)

 Hermina Podomoro

Dr. Ageng Budiananti, Sp.BA, M.Ked.Klin adalah dokter spesialis bedah anak dengan latar belakang pendidikan di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Trisakti (2009–2015). Beliau menyelesaikan program spesialisasi Bedah Anak dan Magister Kedokteran Klinik di Universitas Airlangga (2019–2024). Dengan prestasi: Juara 1 Poster Competition, KONAS PABI VI P2B2, Jakarta. Juara 1 Ujian Nasional Kognitif dan OSCE Bedah Anak, Surabaya, 27 November 2021. Juara 3 Lulusan Terbaik Ujian Nasional Kompetensi Profesi Bedah Anak Nasional, Surabaya, 25 November 2023. Beliau memiliki keahlian dalam menangani berbagai kasus pada anak, seperti: Sirkumsisi (sunat). Kelainan bawaan seperti hernia, hidrokel, dan testis yang belum turun. Penanganan tumor/benjolan, penyakit infeksi, serta kelainan saluran cerna dan kelamin. Laparoskopi, termasuk untuk kasus usus buntu.
Here are 5 Congenital Digestive Tract Abnormalities in Children

There are various types of congenital abnormalities in children that are located in different organ systems, which can occur simultaneously in one baby or occur individually. Some congenital abnormalities that can be found in children, especially babies, include congenital hydrocephalus (accumul...

Appendicitis in Children: How to Recognize and Treat It?

Appendicitis (referred to as the appendix in medical terms) is a part of the intestine that is attached to the small intestine, shaped like a worm with a small lumen diameter, and is typically located in the lower right side of the abdomen. The appendix plays a role in the immune system, especia...

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