dr. Agus Budi Bowoleksono, SpN

dr. Agus Budi Bowoleksono, SpN


 Hermina Mekarsari

dr. Agus Budi Bowoleksono, SpN adalah dokter RS Hermina Mekarsari yang mendiagnosis dan mengobati masalah yang berkaitan dengan otak dan sistem saraf. dr. Agus Budi Bowoleksono, SpN menangani penyakit yang berkaitan dengan otak dan saraf, termasuk saraf tulang belakang dan saraf tepi.

Dear Hermina friends, Almost all adults must have experienced neck pain, neck pain is one of the most common complaints in adults, and is a musculoskeletal disorder that is often found, especially in women of reproductive age. Research shows that neck pain occurs in 30-50% of all adults. This f...

Lying too long can cause back pain

Hello Hermina Friends, Back pain is most often caused by muscle or joint injuries in the waist area, it can be due to the wrong body position, lifting heavy objects, or doing repetitive movements. Low back pain can also be caused by disorders of the ligaments, spine, back joints, and nerves. It ...

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