dr. Agus Parintik Sambo, Sp.PD adalah salah satu dokter spesialis penyakit dalam di RS. Hermina Makassar. Beliau adalah dokter spesialis penyakit dalam subspesialis endokrin yang memiliki keahlian khusus dalam melakukan pemeriksaan maupun pengobatan yang berhubungan dengan gangguan sistem endokrin. Sistem endokrin merupakan kelenjar dan organ yang membuat hormon dalam tubuh.
Chocolate from Dubai which is going viral on social media. Many people are competing to taste this chocolate and are willing to pay fantastic prices for a bar of chocolate mixed with pistachio nuts. However, regardless of premium chocolate or regular chocolate, both have an impact on health. T...
A person's body will definitely feel hungry and weak if they haven't eaten all day. But what about people who have eaten but still feel hungry? Maybe you are also one of those who feel this way.
You should be wary of feeling hungry even though you have eaten because it is a symptom of ...
Viral Chocolate, Beneficial or Dangerous for Health?
Chocolate from Dubai which is going viral on social media. Many people are competing to taste this chocolate and are willing to pay fantastic prices for a bar of chocolate mixed with pistachio nuts. However, regardless of premium chocolate or regular chocolate, both have an impact on health. T...
Feeling hungry even though you've eaten? Get to know the types of causes!
A person's body will definitely feel hungry and weak if they haven't eaten all day. But what about people who have eaten but still feel hungry? Maybe you are also one of those who feel this way. You should be wary of feeling hungry even though you have eaten because it is a symptom of ...
Awas, bahaya penyakit yang mengintai saat momen lebaran !