dr. Ahmad Faisal, Sp. PD

dr. Ahmad Faisal, Sp. PD

 Internal Medicine

 Hermina Yogya

dr. Ahmad Faisal, Sp. PD, dokter penyakit dalam atau biasa disebut dengan internist ini merupakan seorang pekerja medis yang menangani berbagai keluhan kesehatan. Berbagai macam tentang pemeliharaan kesehatan terkait organ tubuh lebih dikuasai oleh dokter penyakit dalam ini, dibandingkan dengan dokter umum biasanya. Dokter spesialis penyakit dalam menangani hampir semua penyakit yang terkait organ dan sistem organ, maka Sahabat Hermina disarankan menemui atau melakukan konsultasi dengan dokter spesialis penyakit dalam ketika memiliki gejala yang berkaitan dengan pencernaan, pernapasan hingga pembuluh darah. Gejala yang dialami pasien penyakit dalam sangatlah luas, oleh tersebut diperlukan pemeriksaan penunjang untuk menegakkan diagnosa penyakit.
TRAVELER'S DIARHEA Diarrhea That Often Affects Travelers

TRAVELER'S DIARHEA Diarrhea That Often Affects Travelers Soon all Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Fitr, since the PPKM status has been revoked or the imposition of restrictions on community activities for 2 years, the homecoming tradition has begun to be carried out again. Not only going to ...

Monkey Pox

WHO has declared the monkeypox outbreak a global health emergency. More than 16,000 cases have spread worldwide. Monkeypox is a disease that is transmitted from animals to humans and is caused by the Monkeypox virus. Monkeypox virus, a member of the genus Orthopoxvirus in the family Poxviridae, ...

Recognize the difference between hepatitis A, B and C

What is Hepatitis?   Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of the liver or liver. Hepatitis can be caused by alcohol consumption, drugs, autoimmune, and viral infections. The most common Hepatitis viruses are Hepatitis A, B, and C. Hepatitis can occur in children - adults. In both...

Getting to Know Anemia

Getting to Know Anemia Anemia is a common blood disorder that occurs when there are fewer red blood cells in the body than usual. Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body using a protein called hemoglobin. If these cells or proteins are not enough, anemia occurs. In some cases, ane...

The weather is still hot. Jumbo iced tea is still the winner

  The weather is still hot. Jumbo iced tea is still the winner The sweltering hot weather phenomenon that has occurred in recent months is quite worrying. In fact, in several regions of Indonesia, the temperature range in a number of cities in Java was recorded to have jumped to quite...

The Danger of Obesity for Health

Obesity or overweight, is a medical condition in the form of excess body fat. There are impacts and dangers of obesity which are detrimental to health because it can cause various diseases to reduce life expectancy. Most of the causes of obesity are a combination of excess food energy intake ...


LEARN MORE ABOUT LUPUS Our bodies have an immune system that functions to fight attacks/infections from outside that threaten them, for example bacteria, viruses, or fungi. However, in some conditions this system is redundant and unable to distinguish normal body cells from pathogenic cells, ...

The Importance of Thalassemia Screening Before Marriage

Before getting married, there are many things that the prospective bride and groom must prepare. One of the most important is health screening. Prospective brides and grooms are advised to be screened for diseases that might be passed on to their future children. The disease screening that is...

What is Hepatitis ?

What is Hepatitis ? Hepatitis is an inflammatory condition that occurs in the liver organ. Symptoms include fever, stomach ache, joint pain and jaundice. This condition can be caused by various things, ranging from viral infections, alcohol consumption habits, use of certain drugs, autoimmune...

Menu for breaking the fast that must be avoided for people with hypertension

Menu for breaking the fast that must be avoided for people with hypertension Hypertension is a condition where the body experiences blood pressure that exceeds normal limits. Symptoms that suffer from hypertension include a person experiencing headaches, eye pain, weakness or fatigue. General...

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