dr. Akhmad Syahrir, Sp.N

dr. Akhmad Syahrir, Sp.N


 Hermina Tangkuban Perahu

Dokter Spesialis Saraf melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk Sakit kepala dan migrain. Kejang dan epilepsi. Tremor atau tubuh gemetaran. Cedera kepala. Saraf terjepit. Stroke. Tumor otak. Demensia, seperti pada penyakit Alzheimer. Penyakit Parkinson. Gangguan autoimun yang menyerang saraf, seperti amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (penyakit Lou Gehrig) dan multiple sclerosis. Infeksi otak, seperti ensefalitis, meningitis, dan abses otak. Infeksi sumsum tulang belakang. Bell's palsy. Neuropati perifer. Gangguan neuromuskular, seperti myasthenia gravis.
Insomnia Or Trouble Sleeping? Do the following procedure

Almost all humans in the world have experienced complaints of difficulty sleeping or insomnia. Some of the risk factors thought to be involved include female gender, old age, comorbid medical conditions, psychiatric disorders, drugs, and lifestyle factors such as coffee consumption, smoking and ...

What to do if your family/self has a STROKE?

Stroke is a condition when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted due to a blockage (ischemic stroke) or rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). This condition causes certain areas of the brain to not receive oxygen and nutrients, resulting in the death of brain cells. What shou...

Stroke Prevention with Early Screening Detection and Carotid Ultrasound Examination

Stroke merupakan penyakit yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba, tanpa disadari dapat menyerang kita atau keluarga yang kita sayangi. Dalam pengobatan dan pencegahan stroke, identifikasi faktor risiko stroke sangatlah penting. Pencegahan stroke pada pasien dilakukan dengan mengendalikan faktor risiko...

Triggers of Epileptic Seizures

Several things that can trigger seizures to become more frequent in people with epilepsy are known as "Triggers". Triggers are not the cause of epilepsy. By recognizing and avoiding triggers whenever and wherever, it really helps people with epilepsy to avoid seizures. 1. People with epilepsy...

What is Vertigo

Vertigo is a symptom of a disease. Vertigo can be described as spinning dizziness. Vertigo is different from headaches in that the headache can be like a throbbing, pulling, pressing or heavy feeling in the head. Vertigo can strike at any age, can be transient or long duration depending on the c...

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