Beliau merupakan dokter spesialis penyakit dalam dengan fokus menangani keluhan atau gejala yang memengaruhi sistem organ dalam tubuh, seperti keluhan pada sistem pernafasan, sistem pencernaan, organ hati, jantung, dan ginjal.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious condition that affects the normal function of the kidneys. When the kidneys are unable to filter waste and fluids effectively from the body, dialysis becomes one of the main therapies that help maintain the health of CKD sufferers. Dialysis, also known a...
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The Important Role of Dialysis (Hemodialysis) for Chronic Kidney Disease Sufferers
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious condition that affects the normal function of the kidneys. When the kidneys are unable to filter waste and fluids effectively from the body, dialysis becomes one of the main therapies that help maintain the health of CKD sufferers. Dialysis, also known a...