Dokter Spesialis Bedah Ortopedi dan Traumatologi atau Dokter Ortopedi adalah dokter yang memiliki fokus untuk menangani cedera dan penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal tubuh, mencakup tulang, sendi, tendon, otot, dan saraf. Cedera ini bisa terjadi ketika berolahraga atau mengalami kecelakaan, atau karena penyakit tertentu.
Rehabilitation for Sports Injuries
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), exercise is a physical activity to strengthen and make the body healthy. Sports are divided into two categories: traditional sports and modern sports. Traditional sports Traditional sports are known as types of sports that origina...
Orthopedic Care for Athletes: Preventing and Treating Sports Injuries
Athletes often face a high risk of injury during intense physical activity. To ensure optimal health and performance, orthopedic care plays an important role in preventing and treating sports injuries. In this article, we will discuss effective strategies for treating athletes, with an emphasis ...