dr. Andi Tihardimanto Kaharuddin, Sp.JP

dr. Andi Tihardimanto Kaharuddin, Sp.JP


 Hermina Makassar

dr. Andi Tihardimanto, Sp.JP adalah salah satu dokter spesialis jantung dan pembuluh darah di RS. Hermina Makassar. Beliau adalah dokter yang fokus dalam mendiagnosis dan menangani masalah penyakit yang berkaitan dengan jantung dan pembuluh darah atau kardiovaskular. Ada beberapa penyakit kardiovaskular yang dapat ditangani oleh dokter spesialis jantung dan pembuluh darah, di antaranya: penyakit jantung koroner, penyakit jantung bawaan, serangan jantung, henti jantung, penyakit aorta serta gangguan irama jantung.
Beware of Heart Attacks, Diseases That Know No Age!

The world of Indonesian music is grieving again! One of the vocalists of the Kahitna band, Carlo Saba breathed his last at the age of 54. It is suspected that the cause was due to a heart attack he had experienced. Often the symptoms are not recognized, a heart attack can be fatal to health c...

Beware of Heart Attacks, Diseases That Know No Age!

The world of Indonesian music is grieving again! One of the vocalists of the Kahitna band, Carlo Saba breathed his last at the age of 54. It is suspected that the cause was due to a heart attack he had experienced. Often the symptoms are not recognized, a heart attack can be fatal to health c...

Beware of Heart Attacks, Diseases That Know No Age!

The world of Indonesian music is grieving again! One of the vocalists of the Kahitna band, Carlo Saba breathed his last at the age of 54. It is suspected that the cause was due to a heart attack he had experienced. Often the symptoms are not recognized, a heart attack can be fatal to health c...

Beware of Heart Attacks, Diseases That Know No Age!

The world of Indonesian music is grieving again! One of the vocalists of the Kahitna band, Carlo Saba breathed his last at the age of 54. It is suspected that the cause was due to a heart attack he had experienced. Often the symptoms are not recognized, a heart attack can be fatal to health c...

Beware of Heart Attacks, Diseases That Know No Age!

The world of Indonesian music is grieving again! One of the vocalists of the Kahitna band, Carlo Saba breathed his last at the age of 54. It is suspected that the cause was due to a heart attack he had experienced. Often the symptoms are not recognized, a heart attack can be fatal to health c...

Beware of Heart Attacks, Diseases That Know No Age!

The world of Indonesian music is grieving again! One of the vocalists of the Kahitna band, Carlo Saba breathed his last at the age of 54. It is suspected that the cause was due to a heart attack he had experienced. Often the symptoms are not recognized, a heart attack can be fatal to health c...

Beware of Heart Attacks, the Silent Killer Who Doesn't Look at Age!

Heart attacks strike at any time and regardless of age. However, this is often ignored by young people. A heart attack is an acute or sudden blockage in the coronary blood vessels, which usually begins with the formation of a crust in the blood vessels. When the heart and blood vessels cannot ...

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