Dokter spesialis yang mendalami ilmu kesehatan jiwa dan perilaku (psikiatri). Psikiatri sendiri adalah cabang keilmuan medis yang fokus pada diagnosis, pengobatan, dan pencegahan terhadap gangguan emosional, kejiwaan, maupun perilaku.
We often hear that many of us complain about not getting enough sleep or not enough time to rest. Therefore, we need to know that the body really needs adequate rest so that the body stays awake. Getting enough sleep is an important part of maintaining health and increasing immunity. Maintaining...
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What if the body doesn't get enough sleep?
We often hear that many of us complain about not getting enough sleep or not enough time to rest. Therefore, we need to know that the body really needs adequate rest so that the body stays awake. Getting enough sleep is an important part of maintaining health and increasing immunity. Maintaining...