Hi Hermina Friends
Obesity is a condition where the body weight exceeds normal limits due to the accumulation of excess fat in the body. Obesity occurs because the intake of calories is more than the number of calories burned, so the body will store calories that are not used in the form of fat....
Hi Hermina Friends
Proper food intake with balanced nutrition during fasting can make weight loss and the body become ideal. Because, when fasting our bodies are forced to keep moving and doing activities even with limited intake. Thus, fasting is the right time to lose weight to be ideal.
A pregnant woman must have good nutritional status and consume food that is diverse in proportion and amount. Pregnant women must consume more food because they have to meet nutritional needs for themselves and for the growth and development of their fetus/baby.
In this regard, pregnant women mu...
The moment of gathering with family and relatives during Eid al-Fitr feels incomplete without special Eid dishes. Starting from ketupat along with side dishes of opor, rendang, and stews. Also various pastries of various flavors.
The amount of food during Eid, sometimes makes mistakes so that yo...
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The Spirit of Achieving Ideal Body Weight
Hi Hermina Friends Obesity is a condition where the body weight exceeds normal limits due to the accumulation of excess fat in the body. Obesity occurs because the intake of calories is more than the number of calories burned, so the body will store calories that are not used in the form of fat....
lose weight during fasting, is it normal?
Hi Hermina Friends Proper food intake with balanced nutrition during fasting can make weight loss and the body become ideal. Because, when fasting our bodies are forced to keep moving and doing activities even with limited intake. Thus, fasting is the right time to lose weight to be ideal. Howev...
The Importance of Pregnant Women's Nutritional Intake in Preparing for Breast Milk MP-ASI Rich in animal protein prevents stunting
A pregnant woman must have good nutritional status and consume food that is diverse in proportion and amount. Pregnant women must consume more food because they have to meet nutritional needs for themselves and for the growth and development of their fetus/baby. In this regard, pregnant women mu...
Safe Eid without Me-Width
The moment of gathering with family and relatives during Eid al-Fitr feels incomplete without special Eid dishes. Starting from ketupat along with side dishes of opor, rendang, and stews. Also various pastries of various flavors. The amount of food during Eid, sometimes makes mistakes so that yo...