dr. Arasy Nanda, Sp.KJ

dr. Arasy Nanda, Sp.KJ


 Hermina Padang

Merupakan Dokter Spesialis Kesehatan Jiwa RS Hermina Padang . berfokus memberikan pelayanan dengan mengutamakan mutu dan keselamatan pasien
Often Avoiding, a Sign of Anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. While it can occur as a reaction to stress, anxiety can also occur without a clear trigger. Anxiety is one sign that someone is experiencing a mental health problem Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Feeling nervous, agitated, or tense A sen...

Maintain the Mental Health of Parents with Children with Special Needs

Caring for Children with Special Needs (ABK) is a parent's routine that can sometimes  take up a lot of time and energy. Most parents will do everything that is best for their child for the sake of the child's development and growth and development. Being a parent with a child ...

Stress and Anxiety as Signs of Mental Health Disorders

Experiencing occasional anxiety and stress is a normal part of life. However, people with anxiety disorders often have intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Often, anxiety disorders result in recurring episodes of anxiety and fear or terror that peak within...

How to Maintain Mental Health

Mental health is a condition where emotional, psychological, and social well-being can be maintained. Mental health is more than just the absence of disease. Mental health disorders or mental illnesses can affect the way a person thinks and behaves. These disorders can change mood and make it...

The Signs of Depression

What is Depression? Depressive disorder (also known as depression) is a common mental disorder. It causes a depressed mood or loss of pleasure or interest in activities that persists or lasts for a long period of time. Depression can affect a person’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. It ca...

Recognize Depression in Children, Teenagers and Adults

Depression can affect a person's feelings, thoughts, and behaviors from children, adolescents to adults. Depression can cause a variety of emotional and physical problems that can make it difficult for someone to carry out normal daily activities. Depression in Children and Adolescents Whe...

How to Handle Stress so the body protected from the threat of disease

Stress is a term used to describe physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to events that are considered threatening or challenging. Stress can appear in various ways. Emotionally, people who experience stress will experience anxiety, depression, fear, irritability and frustratio...

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