dr. Arief Rachman Setiawan, Sp.An

dr. Arief Rachman Setiawan, Sp.An


 Hermina Bogor

dr. Arief Rachman S, SpAN adalah dokter RS Hermina Bogor yang memiliki keahlian terkait pembiusan pasien untuk keperluan operasi maupun tindakan medis lainnya. Selain dalam prosedur operatif, dr. Arief Rachman S, SpAN juga memiliki tanggung jawab dalam memberikan penanganan untuk kondisi kritis pada pasien yang membutuhkan perawatan intensif. Beliau merupakan lulusan FK Universitas Trisakti pada tahun 2007 dan melanjutkan S2 diFK Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta lulus pada tahun 2018.
Mental Disorders, Are They Dangerous?

What is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear "mental disorder"? What do you think about someone with a mental disorder? Do you fear, avoid, and stay away from them? That's what we humans think of them. This is a stigma. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "stigmata" is a r...

Social Media Addiction, Is It a Mental Disorder?

In this millennial era, almost everyone we meet has a cell phone, and they usually spend a lot of time using it. It's not uncommon for us to meet people who get angry when they forget to bring their cell phone because they can't communicate via the WhatsApp application or can't open other networ...

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