Dokter saraf atau neurologis adalah dokter spesialis yang mendiagnosis dan mengobati masalah yang berkaitan dengan otak dan sistem saraf. Dokter saraf menangani penyakit yang berkaitan dengan otak dan saraf, termasuk saraf tulang belakang dan saraf tepi dr. Ashita Hulwah Adwirianny, SpN adalah salah satu dokter spesialis saraf di RS Hermina Opi Jakabaring
The rabies virus is a very serious disease and can be fatal if left untreated. It is spread primarily through the bite of an infected animal, such as a dog or bat. Therefore, it is very important to know the steps that can be taken to avoid infection with the rabies virus. The following are some...
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Beware of the Rabies Virus, Let's Get to Know the Prevention of Transmission!
The rabies virus is a very serious disease and can be fatal if left untreated. It is spread primarily through the bite of an infected animal, such as a dog or bat. Therefore, it is very important to know the steps that can be taken to avoid infection with the rabies virus. The following are some...