dr. Atik Indriyani, Sp.A adalah salah satu dokter spesialis anak di RS. Hermina Makassar. Beliau adalah dokter yang berfokus pada penanganan masalah kesehatan anak sejak lahir hingga usia remaja (18 tahun) yang meliputi pencegahan, pengobatan, hingga perawatan
Every parent has the important task of monitoring their child's growth and development stages. The aim of monitoring a child's growth and development is to find out how far your beloved child is developing and also to help find any abnormalities during the child's growth period so that they ca...
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Recognize the Symptoms of Typhoid Fever in Children
Stages of Growth and Development for Children Aged 1-3 Years, Come on, Check Out the Information!
Every parent has the important task of monitoring their child's growth and development stages. The aim of monitoring a child's growth and development is to find out how far your beloved child is developing and also to help find any abnormalities during the child's growth period so that they ca...