Berpraktek sebagai dokter spesialis anak yang memiliki fokus pada kesehatan fisik, mental, emosional, dan sosial anak-anak, sejak mereka dilahirkan hingga menjadi remaja, yakni pada sampai usia 18 tahun
The COVID-19 pandemic which today has infected more than 7000 people has placed a huge burden on the health system. Many of Indonesia's resources, both in the health and non-health sectors, have been diverted to handle COVID-19, including the function of hospitals and health workers to deal with...
Is Child Stunting Healthy?
Stunting is short stature caused by long-term malnutrition or chronic malnutrition or nutritional intake that is not optimal, for example due to ignorance of parents about proper ASI/MPASI, poverty and others. Or increased nutritional needs due to suboptimal health con...
The COVID-19 pandemic which today has infected more than 7000 people has placed a huge burden on the health system. Many of Indonesia's resources, both in the health and non-health sectors, have been diverted to handle COVID-19, including the function of hospitals and health workers to deal with...
Mother! Preventing stunting is important
Is Child Stunting Healthy? Stunting is short stature caused by long-term malnutrition or chronic malnutrition or nutritional intake that is not optimal, for example due to ignorance of parents about proper ASI/MPASI, poverty and others. Or increased nutritional needs due to suboptimal health con...
Immunization During Pandemic