dr. Bambang Wisnubroto, SpB

dr. Bambang Wisnubroto, SpB


 Hermina Ciledug

dr. Bambang Wisnubroto, SpB adalah dokter spesialis yang mengobati penyakit, cedera, atau kondisi gawat darurat pada tubuh melalui metode bedah (operatif) dan obat-obatan. Untuk menjadi dokter bedah, seseorang harus menyelesaikan pendidikan dan profesi dokter umum, lalu menyelesaikan pendidikan spesialis ilmu bedah.
Sitting too long can cause hemorrhoids? Let's Get to Know the Risk Factors

Hemorrhoids are enlarged or swollen veins around the outside of the anus or rectum. Many things can cause hemorrhoids. However, in general, hemorrhoids are caused by difficulty defecating. There are also factors that can increase your risk of developing hemorrhoids, namely: Lack of fibe...

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