dr. Christa adalah seorang dokter spesialis Dermatologi, Venereologi dan Estetika
(DVE). Beliau menamatkan pendidikan Dokter Spesialis-1 Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. dr. Christa merupakan salah satu dokter spesialis DVE di Rumah Sakit Umum Hermina Manado. Adapun layanan kesehatan yang dapat beliau berikan
di RSU Hermina Manado meliputi konsultasi kesehatan terkait kulit, kelamin dan estetika, injeksi keloid, danĀ ekstraksiĀ kuku.
Leprosy, Let's End Stigma and Discrimination against Sufferers
Leprosy is still a concern throughout the world because it is still among us and has not been declared free, especially Indonesia is in the third position of the country with the most cases of leprosy in the world after India and Brazil. But do you know what leprosy is? Leprosy or sometimes also...
Get to know more about chicken pox
Get to know more about chicken pox Chickenpox or also known in the medical world as varicella is a type of skin disease that occurs due to a viral infection in the human body. This viral infection causes the sufferer's body to develop blisters filled with water or pus all over the body. Ch...