dr. Christofel Korah Tooy, Sp.PD, FINASIM

dr. Christofel Korah Tooy, Sp.PD, FINASIM

 Internal Medicine

 Hermina Samarinda

dr. Christofel Korah Tooy, Sp.PD, FINASIM merupakan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam di RS Hermina Samarinda
Know the Difference between Functional Dyspepsia and Organic Dyspepsia

Hello, Hermina friends, Surely you are no strangers to the term dyspepsia, often known as stomach acid disorder. Dyspepsia, or what is better known as indigestion, is a common condition that affects the human digestive tract. One form of dyspepsia that often occurs is functional dyspepsia, or or...

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