Beliau merupakan dokter spesialis kulit dan kelamin yang yang lebih fokus menangani kelainan kulit akibat alergi dan gangguan imunitas tubuh seperti psoriasis dan dermatitis seboroik, serta penyakit kulit akibat infeksi seperti jerawat, herpes, dan kutil.
Babies have more sensitive skin than adults. That is why your little one is prone to skin problems due to various causes, ranging from friction with diapers, allergic reactions, clogged sweat, and so on.
Here are the four types of skin diseases in infants that are most often experienced. Also...
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These are four skin diseases that often occur in babies and how to deal with them
Babies have more sensitive skin than adults. That is why your little one is prone to skin problems due to various causes, ranging from friction with diapers, allergic reactions, clogged sweat, and so on. Here are the four types of skin diseases in infants that are most often experienced. Also...