dr. Cynthia Gramilda Angganita Sugeng, SpPD adalah dokter penyakit dalam atau internis yang menangani berbagai keluhan dan masalah kesehatan pada pasien dewasa dan lansia. Penanganan yang dilakukan mencakup semua organ tubuh bagian dalam. Selain itu, dr. Cynthia Gramilda Angganita Sugeng, SpPD juga menangani penyakit-penyakit non-bedah, mencakup hampir seluruh tubuh manusia dengan berbagai keluhan dan gejala penyakit
symptoms of autoimmune disease
Hermina's friend, Autoimmune disease is a disease that occurs in which the body's immune system attacks healthy cells in the body. Meanwhile, the immune system should function to protect the body against disease and bad cells, such as bacteria and viruses. Many effects will arise if the body is...
Hypertension Can Cause Kidney Failure
Hermina's friend, It should be noted that if we have hypertension and cannot control it properly, hypertension can damage the blood vessels of the kidneys and prevent these organs from functioning properly. It is important to keep blood pressure well under control to protect kidney health and av...
Recognize the Severe Symptoms of Dengue Fever that You Should Be Aware of
Hello Hermina Friends, Dengue fever can be divided into two types, namely dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. The difference lies in the leakage of blood vessels. Dengue hemorrhagic fever causes blood vessel leakage, while dengue fever does not. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) or Dengue He...