dr. David Kalim, SpOT adalah dokter RS Hermina Tangerang yang fokus untuk menangani cedera dan penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal tubuh, mencakup tulang, sendi, tendon, otot, dan saraf. Cedera ini bisa terjadi ketika berolahraga atau mengalami kecelakaan, atau karena penyakit tertentu. Selain penanganan patah tulang, ada banyak masalah medis lainnya yang bisa ditangani oleh dr. David Kalim,, SpOT, meliputi gangguan tulang, sendi, dan struktur yang terkait dengan gerakan termasuk otot, urat, dan saraf.
Title: Osteoarthritis: Understanding, Preventing, and Treating Common Joint Diseases
Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common types of joint disease worldwide. This is a form of degenerative arthritis characterized by damage to the joint cartilage. Although it often occurs in older people, OA can affect people of all ages. This article will look at what osteoarthritis is, t...
Fractures and its treatment
Definition A broken bone, also known as a fracture, is an injury that occurs when a bone in the body breaks or cracks. This can happen for various reasons, including physical trauma, osteoporosis, or other medical conditions. Types of Fractures There are several levels of da...