dr. Dhevinia Yustikarani, M.Gizi, Sp.GK adalah dokter RS Hermina Bekasi yang fokus menangani masalah kesehatan pasien terkait gizi, serta memberikan terapi medis gizi sesuai kondisi pasien dan berorientasi pada riwayat penyakit dan keadaan umum pasien.
Nowadays, the dream of having a body goal does not only happen to women, but is also dreamed of by men, both teenagers and adults. Often the way to achieve body goals is through the wrong diet, such as being willing to endure hunger for hours and even consuming diet supplements.
To get a...
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Not Just Dieting, Check Body Composition for Successful Weight Loss
Nowadays, the dream of having a body goal does not only happen to women, but is also dreamed of by men, both teenagers and adults. Often the way to achieve body goals is through the wrong diet, such as being willing to endure hunger for hours and even consuming diet supplements. To get a...