dr. Dian Isworo, Sp.M

dr. Dian Isworo, Sp.M


 Hermina Purwokerto

Beliau merupakan dokter spesialis mata dengan keahlian spesifik dalam memberikan pemeriksaan, perawatan, serta diagnosis yang berhubungan dengan penyakit mata, gangguan penglihatan serta tindakan operasi mata seperti katarak, distrofi kornea, glaukoma, keratitis, cedera pada kornea serta rabun dekat dan jauh.
Don't be trivial!! Very Frequent Blinking Can Be Miopia

Winking is a very common and natural activity performed by humans. However, we often do not realize how important the role of this seemingly trivial activity is in the health of our eyes. Blinking regularly and sufficiently is an important part of keeping your eyes healthy. If we ignore it, we c...

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