Kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim adalah salah satu jenis kanker yang paling sering terjadi pada wanita. Berdasarkan penelitian pada tahun 2020, ada lebih dari 600.000 kasus kanker serviks dengan 3 Kanker serviks adalah kanker yang tumbuh pada sel-sel di leher rahim.
Kanker ini umumnya b...
PCOS, characterized by menstrual disorders, is one of the diseases frequently complained about by women of childbearing age (45% occur in women aged 26-30 years). The menstrual disorders can manifest as absence of menstruation for months or prolonged menstruation lasting more than 1 week. Let's ...
Premature birth is a common occurrence in pregnant mothers. It is defined as a birth that occurs before the 37th week or earlier than the estimated due date. This condition happens when contractions of the uterus result in the opening of the cervix, allowing the fetus to enter the birth canal.
Miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy either spontaneously or by surgery that occurs at less than 20 weeks gestation
Risk factor
Paternal factors: Sperm abnormalities occur
Maternal factors: Among them can be due to age, infection, hormonal disorders, diabetes mellitu...
Saat Ibu mengalami anemia, darah Ibu tidak memiliki sel darah merah yang cukup sehat untuk mengangkut oksigen ke jaringan Ibu dan kepada janin. Selama masa kehamilan, tubuh Ibu akan memproduksi lebih banyak darah demi mendukung perkembangan janin di dalam kandungan Ibu. Jika Ibu tidak mendapatka...
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Mengenal Deteksi Kanker Serviks
Kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim adalah salah satu jenis kanker yang paling sering terjadi pada wanita. Berdasarkan penelitian pada tahun 2020, ada lebih dari 600.000 kasus kanker serviks dengan 3 Kanker serviks adalah kanker yang tumbuh pada sel-sel di leher rahim. Kanker ini umumnya b...
What is PCOS ?
PCOS, characterized by menstrual disorders, is one of the diseases frequently complained about by women of childbearing age (45% occur in women aged 26-30 years). The menstrual disorders can manifest as absence of menstruation for months or prolonged menstruation lasting more than 1 week. Let's ...
Pengaruh Diabetes pada Ibu Hamil
Premature Birth
Premature birth is a common occurrence in pregnant mothers. It is defined as a birth that occurs before the 37th week or earlier than the estimated due date. This condition happens when contractions of the uterus result in the opening of the cervix, allowing the fetus to enter the birth canal. ...
Get to know what are the signs of miscarriage so that pregnant women stay alert
Understanding Miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy either spontaneously or by surgery that occurs at less than 20 weeks gestation Risk factor Paternal factors: Sperm abnormalities occur Maternal factors: Among them can be due to age, infection, hormonal disorders, diabetes mellitu...
Anemia Pada Ibu Hamil
Saat Ibu mengalami anemia, darah Ibu tidak memiliki sel darah merah yang cukup sehat untuk mengangkut oksigen ke jaringan Ibu dan kepada janin. Selama masa kehamilan, tubuh Ibu akan memproduksi lebih banyak darah demi mendukung perkembangan janin di dalam kandungan Ibu. Jika Ibu tidak mendapatka...