dr. Dimas Adi Patria,SpTHT-BKL

dr. Dimas Adi Patria,SpTHT-BKL


 Hermina Bitung

This doctor unavailable for appointment
dr. Dimas Adi Patria,SpTHT-BKLdokter RS Hermina Bitung yang memiliki keahlian spesifik dalam mengobati penyakit yang berkaitan dengan telinga, hidung, dan tenggorokan. Selain itu, dokter spesialis THT juga bertugas mengatasi sejumlah penyakit yang terjadi di kepala dan leher.
Clean your ears properly to avoid fungal bacterial infections.

Friends of Hermina Bitung should also know that usually what causes fungus to grow in the ears is caused by bacterial infections. To prevent fungal infections in the ears, Hermina's friends must always clean their ears properly.   What are the symptoms often experienced by fungus in t...

Ears Often Buzzing? This Causeā€¦

Hello, Hermina Bitung's friend, have you ever felt a sudden ringing in your ears? Surely Hermina's best friend has experienced it, but not often, of course it interferes with daily activities. Some causes of ringing in the ears are a symptom of an underlying condition, such as an infection or bl...

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