dr. Dirga Rachmad A, M.Neurosci,M.Ked.Klin, Sp.BS merupakan dokter spesialis yang memiliki keahlian dalam mendiagnosis dan melakukan tindakan pembedahan terhadap pasien dengan gangguan sistem saraf, baik pada saraf pusat maupun saraf tepi. Doktetr spesialis bedah saraf dapat memberikan pengobatan mulai dari kelainan kongenital, cedera kepala, tumor, infeksi, hingga stroke. Bedah saraf tidak hanya dapat dilakukan pada otak, tetapi juga pada saraf tulang belakang dan saraf tepi yang terdapat di seluruh bagian tubuh, seperti pada wajah, tangan, dan kaki.
Don't take it for granted, check out the causes of brain bleeding that are often overlooked
Brain bleeding is a medical emergency that needs to be treated immediately. Bleeding in the brain basically does not happen suddenly, except for someone who has an accident. The initial symptoms that appear are usually headaches or numbness in several parts of the body such as numbness in the fe...
Early Detection of Hydrocephalus in Babies
Hydrocephalus is a condition where there is an excessive buildup of fluid in the brain cavity, causing pressure inside the head to increase. Hydrocephalus that occurs in babies can cause the head to enlarge. Under normal circumstances, there is brain fluid that fills the chambers (ventricle...