Dr. Donny S Winardo, Sp.OG

Dr. Donny S Winardo, Sp.OG

 Obstetrics and gynaecology

 Hermina Ciruas

Overcoming Ovarian Cyst Challenges in Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a moment filled with hope and joy for most women. However, like life itself, pregnancy can also present health challenges that require special attention. One issue that may arise during pregnancy is ovarian cysts. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form inside or around a w...


MENGENAL KEHAMILAN EKTOPIK Kehamilan ektopik adalah kelainan implantasi dari pembuahan sel telur. Sel telur yang telah dibuahi oleh sperma secara alami seharusnya akan menempel pada dinding rahim. Namun, pada kehamilan ektopik hasil pembuahan ini menempel pada tempat lain selain di dinding ra...

Detecting Cervical Cancer Early

Detecting Cervical Cancer Early The cause of cervical cancer or cancer of the cervix is ​​still unknown. However, this disease is often associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. In addition, the emergence of this cancer is also closely related to hereditary factors and sexually tran...

Caesarean section wound infection

For mothers who have just had a cesarean section, it is very important to be careful with the stitches. Otherwise, the caesarean section wound can become infected, endangering the life of the mother. Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics of wound infections so that appropriate t...

The Importance of Pap smears for Women

Pap smear menjadi aktivitas medis yang sebenarnya wajib dilakukan oleh semua wanita yang telah melakukan hubungan intim. Ironisnya, justru tidak banyak wanita yang mengetahui pentingnya pap smear untuk kesehatan Miss V, bahkan tidak sedikit yang belum mengerti apa itu pap smear. Padahal, pap sme...

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