DR.dr. Alifiati Fitrikasari, Sp.KJ(K)

DR.dr. Alifiati Fitrikasari, Sp.KJ(K)


 Hermina Pandanaran

dr. Alifiati Fitrikasari, Sp.KJ(K) adalah dokter spesialis yang mendalami ilmu kesehatan jiwa dan perilaku (psikiatri). Psikiatri sendiri adalah cabang keilmuan medis yang fokus pada diagnosis, pengobatan, dan pencegahan terhadap gangguan emosional, kejiwaan, maupun perilaku.
The Role Of Sleep In Physical And Mental Health

Sleep is an important activity in maintaining one's physical and mental health. Apart from being a time of rest for the body, sleep also has an important role in repairing body cells, strengthening the immune system, and helping the recovery process after physical and mental activities. Lack of ...

The Importance of Maintaining Mental Health

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Mental health will make the mind positive so that the body will function properly emotionally, psychologically, socially and will affect the way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Good mental health also helps determine how to manage stress...

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