Dokter Spesialis Anak adalah dokter yang memiliki fokus pada kesehatan fisik, mental, emosional, tumbuh kembang, dan sosial anak-anak, sejak mereka dilahirkan hingga menjadi remaja, yakni pada sampai usia 18 tahun. Dokter Spesialis Anak bertugas untuk memberikan tindakan pencegahan penyakit pada anak yang sehat, serta memberikan pengobatan pada anak yang sakit, baik penyakit akut maupun kronis.
simple tips that can be done to keep children healthy during the season
At this time the health of children must also be considered. Especially in the rainy season like now. Usually, children become susceptible to illness during this wet period. There are diseases that can stop by, ranging from influenza and cough, to dengue fever. Therefore, various health preparat...
What is Sensory Integration
When we talk about the sensory system, in our imagination there are 5 kinds, namely sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste / taste. While in life we still need senses which play an important role in everyday life, what is it? Vestibular system/balance This system helps provide informa...
Various Disease in Rain Season
The impact of stunting on child development, see the explanation from a pediatrician at Hermina Hospital, Malang
Stunting is a disruption in the growth and development of children due to chronic malnutrition and recurrent infections, which is characterized by their length or height being below established standards (Minister of Health). According to WHO (World Health Organization), stunting is a growth and...
What Is Occupational Therapy?
simple tips that can be done to keep children healthy during the season
At this time the health of children must also be considered. Especially in the rainy season like now. Usually, children become susceptible to illness during this wet period. There are diseases that can stop by, ranging from influenza and cough, to dengue fever. Therefore, various health preparat...