Dokter anestesi merupakan dokter spesialis yang bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan anestesi atau pembiusan kepada pasien yang hendak menjalani prosedur bedah (operasi) dan prosedur medis lainnya.
What is ERACS?
This surgical technique was developed to speed up treatment and also speed up the healing of the patient. This technique allows the patient to sit up after 2 (two) hours postoperatively and in the treatment room the patient has mobilized and is expected to be able to return to ...
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Interesting Facts About ERACS ?
What is ERACS? This surgical technique was developed to speed up treatment and also speed up the healing of the patient. This technique allows the patient to sit up after 2 (two) hours postoperatively and in the treatment room the patient has mobilized and is expected to be able to return to ...