Dr. dr. Puji Pinta O. Sinurat, Sp.S (K)

Dr. dr. Puji Pinta O. Sinurat, Sp.S (K)

 Neurology - (Cerebrovascular Disease Consultant)

 Hermina Medan

dr Puji Pinta O Sinurat, Sp.S (K) merupakan dokter spesialis saraf di RSU Hermina Medan. Beliau merupakan konsultan neurovaskuler. Beliau menangani berbagai keluhan seperti gangguan sistem saraf mulai dari otak, sumsum tulang belakang, otot dan saraf tepi. Pengobatan seperti stroke, epilepsi, dan nyeri yang berhubungan dengan gangguan saraf, saraf terjepit, dan parkinson
The Dangers of an Unhealthy Lifestyle, Triggering Meningitis!!!

Everyone is encouraged to be able to run a healthy lifestyle to prevent and avoid all disorders that can harm the body. Some repetitive habits, such as smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages can be examples of routines that can increase the risk of dangerous diseases. One of the diseases that...


You must have occasionally felt tingling or numbness. Tingling usually occurs due to sitting position or sleeping for too long. However, the most common occurrence for numbness or tingling is a problem with functionnerve,either the nerve is injured, something is pressing on the nerve, or an imba...

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