DR. drg. Sari Dewiyani, Sp.KG adalah dokter gigi RS Hermina Jatinegara yang fokus dalam tindakan seputar menjaga dan mempertahankan fungsi sekaligus estetika gigi. Berikut adalah perawatan yang dilakukan DR. drg. Sari Dewiyani, Sp.KG:
- Bedah endodontik.
- Perawatan saluran akar.
- Penambalan gigi.
- Implan endodontik.
- Memutihkan gigi.
Sahabat Hermina, many people think that the cause of cavities is always associated with eating sweet foods or not maintaining dental and oral hygiene. But in fact, it's not only those two things, there are other causes that many people often don't realize. Even researchers found that the cause o...
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Cavities Can Be Contagious, How Come?
Sahabat Hermina, many people think that the cause of cavities is always associated with eating sweet foods or not maintaining dental and oral hygiene. But in fact, it's not only those two things, there are other causes that many people often don't realize. Even researchers found that the cause o...