dr. Dwi Ngestiningsih, Sp.PD(K)GER

dr. Dwi Ngestiningsih, Sp.PD(K)GER

 Internal Medicine - (Geriatrics)

 Hermina Pandanaran

dr. Dwi Ngestiningsih, Sp.PD(K)GER merupakan dokter konsultan geriatri yang membantu para lansia menjaga kesehatan sebagai langkah mencegah penyakit, mengatasi masalah kesehatan yang timbul, sekaligus mengawasi proses pemulihannya.
Getting to Know Dyslipidemia and How to Prevent it

Dyslipidemia is a medical condition that affects the level of fat in the body, which is a condition in which the level of fat in the blood increases or decreases. This is at risk of causing heart disease and stroke. Dyslipidemia does not cause symptoms and is usually only detected during a blood...

Rainy season ? Beware of Leptospirosis!

Banyak penyakit yang timbul saat musim hujan slaah satunya adalah leptospirosis. Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri leptospira. Penularan penyakit ini dapat ditularkan melalui air atau tanah yang telah terkontaminasi urine hewan yang telah terinfeksi bakteri leptospira...

Elderly Healthy Tips

Everyone who has entered the elderly or elderly stage certainly wants to enjoy the 'twilight' days with a sense of happiness. Unfortunately, maintaining the health of the elderly is not an easy matter. There are many challenges that must be faced, given the condition of the body of the elderly w...

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