dr. Dwisetyo Gusti Arilaksono, SpJP

dr. Dwisetyo Gusti Arilaksono, SpJP

 Cardiology - (Heart and Blood Vessels)

 Hermina Depok

dr. Dwisetyo Gusti Arilaksono, Sp.JP merupakan dokter RS Hermina Depok yang berfokus menangani penyakit yang berkaitan dengan jantung dan pembuluh darah, atau kardiovaskuler. Dan melakukan pencegeahan,diagnosis, dan pengobatan berbagai penyakit kardiovaskular, mulai dari tekanan darah tinggi hingga serangan jantung. dr. Dwisetyo Gusti Arilaksono, Sp.JP bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: -EKG (elektrokardiografi). -Rontgen, CT scan, MRI. -Ekokardiogram (USG jantung). -Stress test/ tes latihan treadmill. -Tes darah. -Kateterisasi jantung. -TEE, Holter
Important! Maintaining Heart Health With Regular Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things because it can affect the quality of the body during daily activities. Most people choose to sleep late or stay up late, thus underestimating the benefits of regular sleep. In fact, if we often lack sleep at night, we can find it difficult to move the ne...

Did you know that thin bodies can also get heart disease?

Heart attacks can be experienced by anyone, both men and women, young or older. However, so far, people often assume that people with a fuller body, alias fat, are more prone to heart disease. Although the name of the disease does not look at the size or shape of the body. Your health does not d...

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