dr. Endy Adnan, Sp.PD-K-R

dr. Endy Adnan, Sp.PD-K-R

 Internal Medicine - (Rheumatology)

 Hermina Makassar

dr. Endy Adnan, Sp.PD, K-R adalah dokter spesialis penyakit dalam konsultan reumatologi di RS Hermina Makassar. dr. Endy Adnan meruapakan dokter yang memiliki keahlian khusus dalam mendiagnosis dan menangani pasien yang mengalami gangguan di bagian sendi, otot, tulang, maupun jaringan tubuh
High and uncontrolled cholesterol can cause several of these diseases

The human body does need cholesterol to continue building healthy cells for the body. However, on the other hand, cholesterol levels that are too high and uncontrolled can cause various dangerous diseases, one of which is heart disease. Cholesterol is a substance produced naturally by fat meta...

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