dr. Erlindah Ernawati, SpN

dr. Erlindah Ernawati, SpN

 Neurology - (Cerebrovascular Disease Consultant)

 Hermina Bitung

Dr. Erlindah Ernawati, SpN merupakan dokter saraf RS Hermina Bitung yang berfokus pada penanganan masalah untuk mendiagnosis dan mengobati penyakit yang berkaitan dengan sistem saraf, termasuk otak, otot, saraf tepi, dan saraf tulang belakang yang meliputi serangkaian pemeriksaan fisik umum dan neurologis yang berfokus pada otak dan saraf tepi. Dapat melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: Menginterpretasi hasil pemeriksaan radiologis, seperti CT scan .
“Lower Back pain alert! Recognize the symptoms."

Hello Hermina friends, almost 80% of all humans actually experience back pain, usually upper back pain around the neck. You also need to watch out for lower back pain. Low back pain consists of the lower middle (thoracic) spine, there are 5 bones that make up the structure of the lower spine. Th...

Beware of Stroke at a Young Age, Recognize the Risk Factors for the Disease!

Hello friend Hermina, the risk factors for stroke at a young age have increased, stroke is synonymous with the disease of older people. However, currently there are strokes towards productive age, this can occur as a result of poor lifestyle, high cholesterol, diabetes and uncontrolled high bloo...

Beware of Low Back Pain, Recognize the Symptoms

Hello Hermina friends, Low Back Pain or back pain is pain in the back of the body, especially the waist. Sometimes you can feel the pain up to the buttocks and thighs. In fact, if it is severe the pain can spread to the legs. Symptoms of Low Back Pain / Lower Back Pain Hermina friends must...

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