dr Fary Tri Sabdillah, Sp.O.T

dr Fary Tri Sabdillah, Sp.O.T

 Surgery - (Orthopedics and Traumatology)

 Hermina OPI Jakabaring

 Hermina Palembang

Sahabat Hermina terkadang beberapa orang akan mengalami gangguan tulang, sendi, dan struktur yang terkait dengan gerakan termasuk otot, urat, dan saraf yang memerlukan penanganan khusus oleh Dokter Spesialis Orthopedi. dr. Fary Tri Sabdillah, SpOT adalah Dokter Spesialis Orthopedi di RS Hermina Palembang. Dokter Spesialis Bedah Ortopedi dan Traumatologi atau Dokter Ortopedi adalah dokter yang memiliki fokus untuk menangani cedera dan penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal tubuh, mencakup tulang, sendi, tendon, otot, dan saraf. Cedera ini bisa terjadi ketika berolahraga atau mengalami kecelakaan, atau karena penyakit tertentu.
What is Arthroscopy? Purpose, Benefits and Risks

Arthroscopy is procedure Minimally invasive surgery is used For diagnose and treat joint problems .​ Procedure This involve use tool specifically mentioned​ arthroscope , a camera small included​ to in joints through incision small . Arthroscopy can used For joints knees , shoulders, wrists hand...

Preventing Osteoporosis: Simple Steps For Healthy , Strong Bones

Osteoporosis is a health condition in which bone density and quality decreases. Healthy bones have sufficient density and strength to support body weight and withstand pressure. However, in osteoporosis, the bones become brittle and susceptible to fracture. Normal body processes involve the f...

Maintain Bone Health for Carry on Age : Important Steps For Strong Bones

Bone health is aspect important from well-being overall , esp for carry on age . As it increases age , density bone tend decrease , increase risk of osteoporosis and fractures bone . Therefore​ that , take care health bone become priority main . Following is a number of step important For guard ...

Broken Bones (Bone Fractures): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is a Broken Bone? A fracture is a condition in which a bone cracks or breaks due to a hard impact, accident, or other trauma. Bones can also break if they experience repeated stress or due to medical conditions such as osteoporosis, which weaken bones and make them more susceptible to in...


In Indonesia the incidence of vitamin D and calcium deficiency in the blood The incidence of vitamin D deficiency in Indonesia is still quite high, especially among workers in buildings. Vitamin D deficiency is a condition that is quite dangerous because it can interfere with the absorption of c...

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