dr. Febyana Anggraeni Tjahjar, SpAk

dr. Febyana Anggraeni Tjahjar, SpAk

 Medical Acupuncture

 Hermina Tangerang

What is Vertigo ?

What is Vertigo? Vertigo is a feeling of dizziness that causes a false sensation that a person or the environment around him is spinning or moving. Broadly speaking, there are two types of vertigo. In accordance with the body's balance center which is located in two locations, namely the inne...

Medical Acupuncture in the World of Health

The Role of Medical Acupuncture in the World of Health Acupuncture comes from the Latin words: Acus (needle) and punctura (puncture) It is a therapy of inserting fine needles into the surface of the body namely acupuncture points, with the aim of influencing the body's physiolo...

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