dr. Firda Nurrachma Sp.GK

dr. Firda Nurrachma Sp.GK


 Hermina Mutiara Bunda Salatiga

dr. Firda Nurrachma Sp.GK merupakan dokter RSIA Hermina Mutiara Bunda Salatiga yang berfokus menangani masalah kesehatan pasien terkait gizi, serta memberikan terapi medis gizi sesuai kondisi pasien dan berorientasi pada riwayat penyakit dan keadaan umum pasien. dr. Firda Nurrachma Sp.GK bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: -Melakukan pemeriksaan fisik dan anamnesis (wawancara medis). -Memberikan promosi kesehatan terkait gizi dan kesehatan pada masyarakat dan pasien sebagai upaya pencegahan penyakit. -Meninjau status gizi, metabolisme, dan saluran cerna. -Memberikan pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi serta cairan pada pasien. -Memberi terapi nutrisi serta pola makan tertentu, misalnya meresepkan jumlah kalori, protein, karbohidrat, lemak, serat, vitamin, dan mineral yang dibutuhkan. -Menentukan cara pemberian nutrisi, baik secara oral (makan seperti biasa), pemberian makanan melalui selang lambung (pipa nasogastrik/NGT), atau melalui infus. -Mengevaluasi status gizi, serta kesehatan pasien secara menyeluruh pasca perawatan gizi
Balanced Nutrition for Healthy and Productive Families

Every year, on January 25, we celebrate National Nutrition Day (HGN). In 2024, HGN comes with the theme "Balanced Nutrition for Healthy and Productive Families". This theme was chosen to emphasize the importance of balanced nutrition in supporting family health and productivity. Balanced nutr...

Proper Nutrition for the Future Generation

Balanced nutrition is the foundation for health and a bright future, especially for young people who are growing and developing. A solid understanding of balanced nutrition principles is essential to support academic achievement, physical health, and an optimal quality of life. Key Pillars of...

The Importance of Balanced Nutrition for the Body

Malnutrition or malnutrition adversely affects growth and health. Each substance contains benefits that support growth and maintain a healthy body. Fulfillment of nutrition is very important in human life. Balanced nutrition is a daily food composition that contains nutrients in the type an...

  Choosing Healthy Foods for a Balanced Life    

Living a balanced life is not only about maintaining physical activity but also about having the right diet. The body’s health heavily depends on the nutrients it receives. By choosing healthy foods, we not only maintain an ideal weight but also support the body’s optimal functioning.   ...

  Healthy Nutrition Tips for Kids Active in Scouting Activities  

  Scout Day is a time full of enthusiasm and activities for children. As a nutritionist, I would like to share some tips to ensure that kids active in Scouting stay healthy and energized. Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting their stamina and overall health. Here are some ...

Building an Active and Healthy Lifestyle

An active and healthy lifestyle is the foundation for achieving optimal physical and mental health. In this modern era, a healthy lifestyle has become a necessity due to the prevalence of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, which are closely linked to unhealthy livin...

5 Best Foods for Children's Brain Nutrition, Help Increase Intelligence

Every parent will always try to provide healthy food for their child. Food plays an important role in determining the development of children. So that since the baby must be given healthy food so that the child's growth takes place well and the child's intelligence increases. Of course, speak...

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