dr. Fitria Mayasari, Sp.A

dr. Fitria Mayasari, Sp.A


 Hermina Ciputat

dr. Fitria Mayasari, Sp.A merupakan dokter RS Hermina Ciputat yang berfokus pada penanganan masalah kesehatan anak sejak lahir hingga usia remaja (18 tahun) yang meliputi pencegahan, pengobatan, hingga perawatan. dr. Fitria Mayasari, Sp.A bisa melakukan serangkaian tindakan medis, termasuk: melakukan pemeriksaan fisik, memeriksa riwayat kesehatan anak sejak lahir, memberikan imunisasi atau suntikan untuk pengobatan, menyampaikan saran perawatan anak, mengamati perkembangan anak, melakukan tindakan segera dalam kondisi gawat darurat, menjelaskan kesehatan anak, merujuk anak ke dokter sub-spesialis sesuai dengan kebutuhan
Recognize and beware of measles in children.

Measles is a disease that is often found in children. Measles is a disease caused by a viral infection. There are also many other diseases caused by viruses that cause symptoms that are similar to one another. Sometimes, when a child's condition appears, red spots are often mistaken for measles....

Tips Pemberian MPASI yang tepat dan bergizi

Do you know Hermina's best friend? Giving complementary food to ASI, or MPASI, is an important period in the first 1000 (one thousand) days in the development of your little one. Several studies have shown that many babies fail to thrive due to poor-quality solids. Of course, Hermina's best frie...

Be alert and recognize polio! and the Importance of Immunization for Children's Health

Hermina's Friends: As we all know, Indonesia was shocked some time ago by an incident of polio in a district in Aceh in early November 2022. even though Indonesia has been free of polio for a long time. Why is this happening?    Previously, we needed to understand first: what...

DBD that parents should know.

Sahabat Hermina, demam berdarah dengue (DBD) adalah salah satu penyebab kematian anak yang cukup tinggi di negara Asia, termasuk Indonesia. Pada tahun 2020 kasus demam berdarah di indonesia mencapai angka 95.000. 600 KASUS diantaranya mengalami kematian. Oleh karena itu sangat penting bagi orang...

MPASI sundries, and Tips for Giving MPASI

Do you know Hermina's best friend? Giving complementary food to ASI, or MPASI, is an important period in the first 1000 (one thousand) days in the development of your little one. Several studies have shown that many babies fail to thrive due to poor-quality solids. Of course, Hermina's best ...

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