dr. Hadianti, Sp.PD., Subsp.PTI(K)

dr. Hadianti, Sp.PD., Subsp.PTI(K)

 Internal Medicine - (Tropical-Infectious Diseases)

 Hermina Ciputat

dr. Hadianti, Sp.PD K-PTI merupakan dokter spesialis penyakit dalam sub spesialis atau konsultan penyakit tropik-infeksi yang prakter di Rumah Sakit Hermina Ciputat. dr. Hadianti, Sp.PD K-PTI lebih fokus menangani penyakit infeksi menular, baik yang disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus, jamur, dan parasit, serta memberikan obat pencegahan. Beberapa penyakit yang ditangani dr. Hadianti, Sp.PD K-PTI antara lain adalah sepsis, demam berdarah dengue, chikungunya, rubella, toksoplasmosis, rabies, malaria, infeksi cacing, filariasis, infeksi jamur sistemik, demam tifoid, tetanus, antraks, gastroenteritis dan keracunan makanan karena infeksi.
Myths and facts about diabetes and how to treat it

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Keep an Eye Out for Monkey Pox Outbreaks. And the distinction from chickenpox

In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hermina's friends are noticing that monkeypox is receiving discussion and attention. Do you recognize Hermina's pal? In a facility that employed monkeys for research, the first case of monkeypox was identified in 1958. A colony of monkeys housed for re...

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