dr. Hairina Intan Kesumaningrum,SpKK

dr. Hairina Intan Kesumaningrum,SpKK

 Dermatology & Venereology

 Hermina OPI Jakabaring

dr. Hairina Intan Kesumaningrum,SpKK adalah Dokter kulit dan kelamin di RS Hermina OPI Jakabaring yang merupakan dokter spesialis khusus mendiagnosis dan menangani berbagai masalah atau penyakit pada kulit dan kelamin, termasuk masalah pada rambut, kuku, serta lapisan dalam mulut, hidung, dan kelopak mata. Dokter kulit dan kelamin juga memiliki peran dalam usaha preventif, yaitu usaha untuk mencegah atau mengurangi risiko terjadinya masalah kulit di kemudian hari. Masalah kulit yang bisa dicegah antara lain penuaan dini dan kanker kulit. Oleh karena itu, jangan ragu untuk rutin berkonsultasi ke dokter kulit dan kelamin.
Getting to Know Eczema / Dermatitis: Causes, Symptoms and Overcoming Them

Dermatitis, often known as eczema, is a general term used to describe inflammation of the skin. This condition can occur in various forms and can affect anyone, from children to adults. For this reason, we have to know what eczema is and how to prevent it so that we can avoid it. In the Thi...


Leprosy We may often hear the word leprosy but still don't know what this disease is? Most people only know that this disease can cause disability. So there are still many people who stigmatize and discriminate against leprosy patients. Leprosy is a chronic infection of the bacterium Myco...

Let There Be No Leprosy Among Us

Leprosy, also known as leprosy, is disease infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae. Although has long been a disease that is feared and considered taboo, understanding about leprosy has develop fast , and effective treatment has available . This article will discuss in a ...

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