dr. Hapsari Triandriyani, M.Kes., Sp.KK

dr. Hapsari Triandriyani, M.Kes., Sp.KK

 Dermatology & Venereology

 Hermina Bogor

dr. Hapsari Triandriyani, SpKK adalah dokter RS Hermina Bogor yang memiliki keahlian terkait permasalahan kulit, seperti alergi, dermatitis, psoriasis, infeksi kulit, serta berbagai keluhan kulit yang disebabkan oleh kondisi bawaan, autoimun, maupun keganasan. dr. Dewi Melati, SpKK juga dapat mengatasi berbagai permasalahan kelamin, seperti kutil kelamin dan berbagai jenis penyakit menular seksual. Beliau merupakan lulusan FK Universitas Gadjah Mada pada tahun 2007.
A Deadly Disorder? Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

A hot topic of conversation is currently sweeping the Indonesian entertainment scene, following the news that a well-known artist in Indonesia has Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS). But what exactly is this syndrome?   Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a skin disease caused by infection ...

Monkeypox Case Detected Again in Indonesia!

The rise of monkeypox cases has brought attention back to this disease that was once considered rare, after it had subsided, now monkeypox is starting to spread again, causing concern. In Indonesia alone, there are 88 cases of monkeypox during 2022-2024 with 74 cases up to 2023 and 14 cases in 2...

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