Dr. Harry Agustaf Asroel, Sp.THT-KL (K)

Dr. Harry Agustaf Asroel, Sp.THT-KL (K)

 Otorhinolaryngology - (Otology)

 Hermina Medan

dr. Harry A. Asroel, M.Ked, Sp. THT-KL (K) merupakan dokter spesialis THT di RSU Hermina Medan. Beliau merupakan lulusan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara. Beliau menangani seputar masalah kesehatan di Telinga, Hidung, dan Tenggorokan. Beliau dapat melakukan tindakan seperti Audiometri, Esophagoscopy, Operasi Sinus, Tonsilektomi, Septoplasty, Trakeostomi, dll
Rupture of the eardrum, what causes it?

A ruptured eardrum is a condition when the tympanic membrane (eardrum) has a tear or hole. The tympanic membrane or eardrum is a layer in the middle area of ​​the ear canal that functions to transmit sound waves from the outer ear. Then these sound waves are received by the tympanic membrane in ...

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