dr. Hartika Ketty Octavia, Sp.KK

dr. Hartika Ketty Octavia, Sp.KK

 Dermatology & Venereology

 Hermina Kendari

Dokter yang fokus menangani beragam masalah kesehatan kulit dan kelamin, baik pada pria maupun wanita serta mendiagnosa dan memberikan penanganan sesuai dengan keluhan yang Anda rasakan.
Annoying Acne on the Face? Here's How to Overcome It

Acne or acne is an inflammation characterized by blackheads, red nodules, pus-filled nodules. Acne has many causes, one of which is hormonal, genetic, and foods such as dairy products. Research shows that more than 40% of people who consume milk are more likely to get pimples than people who don...

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