dr. Heru Angkoso, SpB

dr. Heru Angkoso, SpB


 Hermina Ciledug

dr. Heru Angkoso, SpB adalah dokter spesialis yang mengobati penyakit, cedera, atau kondisi gawat darurat pada tubuh melalui metode bedah (operatif) dan obat-obatan. Bedah umum adalah disiplin bedah atau spesialisasi yang meliputi, tetapi tidak terbatas pada prosedur bedah yang dilakukan pada usus, hati, usus besar, pankreas, kantung empedu, perut dan kelenjar tiroid.
Dropping in Women, Here are the Causes and Symptoms

Deruni berok in women is also known as descending Peranakan, usually complained of as a feeling of a lump in the pelvis or as if something is protruding from the vagina. This condition can be treated with treatment at home or medical treatment, depending on how severe the condition is. Cause...

Recognize the Symptoms of Hemorrhoids and Risk Factors

Hemorrhoids or commonly known as hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids is a condition in which a lump appears which is usually accompanied by bleeding in the anal area. This is caused due to dilation and inflammation of the blood vessels in the anal canal. This disease most often occurs at the age of 45-65...

Dropping in Women, Here are the Causes and Symptoms

Deruni berok in women is also known as descending Peranakan, usually complained of as a feeling of a lump in the pelvis or as if something is protruding from the vagina. This condition can be treated with treatment at home or medical treatment, depending on how severe the condition is. Cause...

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